by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

Login Security is a SuiteCRM extension that delivers an additional level of security for your CRM, helping your business avoid potentially harmful logins from banned IP addresses or unknown persons. Works with all SuiteCRM modules.

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#5130 - I cannot get it to create a record

In Progress Bug? created by peterjakob Verified Purchase a year ago


I just installed the module on our system running 7.13.4 ( ) and I cannot get the system to create a record. I fill in all the values but when I try to save there is a "Undefined" message and no record is saved.

Please advise.

Best Peter

  1. peterjakob member avatar

    peterjakob Verified Purchase

    a year ago

    I was able to get it to work if I used OTP. There are some required fields to configure that and once done it seems to have worked. If I want to disable that then I get a Missing Required Fields message. The other thing I noticed is that if I have a record ACTIVE the system will throw a "SuiteCRM" banner on the top of my login screen - is it possible to remove that?

  2. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    a year ago

    Hello Peter,

    Apologies for the problem you're facing.

    is it possible for you to share CRM Login Credentials and FTP Details where you hosted your CRM? If yes then please share with us on "". So we'll check it from our end and you will get the quick solution.

    Variance Infotech PVT LTD

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