by Helfertech

Kanban is a visual system for managing work as it moves through a process. Now your business can quickly see visuals of sales funnel stages and other day-to-day functions for tasks, cases, invoices and custom modules while working in SuiteCRM.

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#4651 - Unable to access Kanban configuration menu

Closed Bug? created by hansfaerber 2 years ago

Hi, I am unable to access the Kanban board configration menu from the admin section. Followed your installation procedure up to that point and everything worked. What can I do?


Best, Hans

  1. hansfaerber member avatar


    2 years ago


    • hansfaerber member avatar


      2 years ago

      Additional Info: In the roles section, the Kanban Views row doesnt show up just as it was the case in #4319. I did the quick repair and rebuid as well as roles repair several times but it didn`t work. I installed v6 in Suite Version 7.12.5

  2. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    2 years ago

    Hi Hans

    We checked on same SuiteCRM version and it is working fine with regular/non admin user for user. Can you please confirm if you follow the complete thread on other case for regular users. Here is link for related case:

    Could you please email us the system details alongwith credential if you still facing the issue. We will be happy to assist you on this.

    Thank you.

    • hansfaerber member avatar


      2 years ago

      Team, still having the issue. Appreciate your testing. For GDPR reasons it's not that easy to send you credentials. If necessary we set up a sandbox database. Additional info: the licence key is accepted but not stored. Maybe that's the source of the problem. Do you know this behaviour? Best, Hans

    • saeed member avatar

      Helfertech Provider

      2 years ago

      Hi Hans,

      I can understand regarding sharing credentials. We don't think that license key can cause such issue. Can you please record a video of issue you facing step by step, maybe we could help you out someway. Otherwsie we would need sandbox credentials.

      Thank you.

  3. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    2 years ago

    We have sorted out the issue via video call/remote session. There was file permission issues due to which kanaban was not working correctly. Please make sure the SuiteCRM recommended permission have been configured to avoid any issues. Thank you.

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