Kanban is a visual system for managing work as it moves through a process. Now your business can quickly see visuals of sales funnel stages and other day-to-day functions for tasks, cases, invoices and custom modules while working in SuiteCRM.
#3537 - Not working
First, I have a clean suitecrm on a new server. The installation was successful and there are no accounts or leads or any of that yet. I have uploaded your module in the module loader and used the license key. I have repaired thesuitecrm (the quick version and the repair roles.) Inside kanban configuration I have added Contracts accounts leads targets and opportunities.
Now comes the bug. When I want to create a board for oppertunities I am trying to select display colomns and run boards on and content on cards. All three off them show me (selected_field_options_dom, module_fields_dom and selected_module_fields_dom ) in this order. How can I changes this
3 years ago
Hi Patrick, I just installed a very fresh SuiteCRM Instance on the server and follow the same process as you explained in the case. Dom has just shown while page loading due to drop-down fields are populating dynamically to fetch the data on the behalf of selected fields. This is a way we just implement it. If you do not like the dom option, we will remove and replace it with an empty option in a coming release.
Please watch the video: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Auxo4ATKXz9Bg0Pj3JIv7mcNjWwO?e=cHUrk7
If you continually stuck on the dom option after the page fully loaded or unable to create a board, please do let us know and share your credentials. we will look into it and fix it for you.
2 years ago
Hola, acabo de instalar y tengo el mismo problema, pero con el video no he podido arreglarlo.
2 years ago
Hi Direccion,
Did you ran repair & rebuild after installling the plugin? Also, please make sure you have applied appropriate SuiteCRM permissions. Could you please let us know the suitecrm version as well so that we could try installing on same version and let you know.
Please email us your system credentials and we can fix this for you as well.
Looking Forward, Thank you.