by Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd

The Jive Click to Call extension will enhance your SuiteCRM features by providing an easier and faster way to communicate with your clients. Efficiently make outgoing calls, receive incoming calls, and refer back to your call history log right in SuiteCRM.

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#5307 - Issues with Jive Click to Call Extension Installation and Functionality

Open General Question created by ts1 Verified Purchase 2 weeks ago

Dear Sir/Madam, We are currently encountering several issues with the installation and functionality of the Jive Click to Call Extension. Despite following the outlined steps, we are experiencing persistent errors. 1. Token Expiry Alert: Despite completing the setup steps, users are continually prompted with the alert: "Jive Error: Token Expired. Please regenerate auth Code from admin!" It's like the system isn't recognizing us properly, and we're not sure why. 2. Dialing but No Connection: Upon clicking a phone number, the system displays "Dialing" but fails to establish a connection with the receiving number. Additionally, there are no records of missed calls, indicating a failure in initiating or completing the call process.

We could really use some help figuring out what's going wrong and how to fix it. We want to make sure everything works smoothly before deciding to buy the full setup.

Thank you for your help in sorting this out quickly!

  1. BrainvireInfotech member avatar

    Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Provider Affiliate

    2 weeks ago


    We have uploaded latest package in store. Please take the latest package and verify it

    Thank You, Brainvire Team

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