by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

SuiteCRM Fields Color add-on allows you to display color-coded fields based on specific conditions set for the record so you can quickly identify CRM records that need attention. In Settings, configure colors for each module and specify Text, Background, and Related Record Colors.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5344 8.* - Hi, there. Is there any chance the plugin will be supported in 8.* versions? Thank you vvs In Progress General Question
#4721 OR statement for color coding - Hi there, I like the plugin, but it would save a lot of time creating lots of color workflows, if a rickbyers Closed Feature
#4714 Roadmap - do you have a roadmap for this product, esp around colour fields in List View? - Roadmap - do you have a roadmap for this product, esp around colour fields in List View? rickbyers Open Feature
#4563 Any updates to SuiteCRM 8.2? - Is the plan to get this compatible with 8.2? Does not work with List view and dashlets. nathanmustoe Closed General Question