by Helfertech

Email Sync add-on for SuiteCRM provides users a way to customize their personal email inbox to send, receive, view, and store emails for convenient retrieval and reference at any point in time.

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#5246 - Can I use this pulg in with a MAC Computer?, it is if it works with mac mail, or outlook, or any client, just want to make sure I can select which emails senders to get imported

Closed General Question created by 11 months ago

Can I use this pulg in with a MAC Computer?, it is if it works with mac mail, or outlook, or any client, just want to make sure I can select which emails senders to get imported? the email domain we use is in a normal hosting company, it is not exchange nor O365. Could you please confirm if it will work with a normal email domain?. thks!

  1. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    11 months ago


    Yes, you can use this Plug-in with a Mac computer. Additionally, the plug-in is compatible with normal email domains and you'll have the ability to select the specific email senders for import.


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