by Urdhva Tech

Find Duplicates BEFORE You Save! Instead of waiting until after you enter a new record's information to know if it's a duplicate, know after the first field if you're working on a duplicate. Say NO to redundant data! Improve your SuiteCRM data quality by being prompted of duplicate values while creating new records.

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#4101 - Plugin doesn't seem to work

Closed Bug? created by raul.urbanos Verified Purchase 3 years ago

Hi, I am testing this functionality and when I click outside of the field that I marked to check the duplicate, it opens the popup that I show in the capture, and get that message out of the console. It stands there with no response, I tried to set permissions as I see in other support casses, and it doesn't work anyway. Also tried to test in other module but get the same:

VM796:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' at Object.success (eval at (sugar_grp1.js?v=OmIzU7BKsU8ZmxM9gDrc_g:428:156), :101:77) at j (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=OmIzU7BKsU8ZmxM9gDrc_g:2:26911) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=OmIzU7BKsU8ZmxM9gDrc_g:2:27724) at x (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=OmIzU7BKsU8ZmxM9gDrc_g:4:11065) at XMLHttpRequest. (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=OmIzU7BKsU8ZmxM9gDrc_g:4:14577)


  1. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago


    Thanks for using our add-on. Can we have a Skype call? Our Skype id: urdhvatech

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech.

  2. raul.urbanos member avatar

    raul.urbanos Verified Purchase

    3 years ago

    cap1.PNG Cap2.PNG

  3. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago


    It seems some JS script is echoing. Can we connect on Skype? Our Skype id: urdhvatech

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

  4. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago


    Issue resolved by Skype meeting. Now it is working well so closing the case.

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech.

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