A complete SuiteCRM and Docusign integration which allows us to quickly pull data from SuiteCRM modules like Account, Contact, Lead, Prospect, User, Quote and Contract and then send them out for signature directly from SuiteCRM. The signed document's fields are then returned to SuiteCRM and attached to the corresponding SuiteCRM records. The signed documents are returned to SuiteCRM and attached to the document envelope.
#5332 - Error 500 when switching to production environment
I am stuck in final step to get the integration in production.
The configured redirect url returns an error 500 when "Signin in with DocuSign" in DocuSign AUTORIZATION step.
I updated client secret with the new key of the production account and switched to Proudction environment.
9 months ago
Going from Dev to Production, you have to first test integration with Development environment. After 30 successful calls you will be able to submit it for review.
Please make sure If you create new API key for production, then also you have to do 30 demo calls and then submit for review. Also make sure the Redirect URIs are entered correctly.
On the CRM side before doing any process, Please go through the below steps.
Lastly, Please set the correct, file permission and ownership of the file system. In case if this doesn't work, we can connect over a meeting and with screenshare option, I would be able to check further and help. Please reach us over email or skype: urdhvatech
Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech.
9 months ago
The integration is in this last stage.
Already passed review from DocuSign and swtiched dropdown to production, had to update "client secret" because there was none created in DocuSign production account. "Integration key" remains the same as "demo" and "submit for review" stages.
I looked at the filesystem and made sure all file permission and ownership is correct, but the same result happens.
Error log is showing this;
Fatal error: Uncaught DocuSign\eSign\Client\ApiException: Error while requesting server, received a non successful HTTP code [400] with response Body: O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:5:"error";s:15:"invalid_request";s:17:"error_description";s:49:"code challenge and code challenge method required";}
9 months ago
Can you Disable the PKCE on the Docusign Integration and check ?
9 months ago
Thanks that was it.
For the record, when I first tried without PKCE it did not work, had to recreate Secret Key in DocuSign and then it worked.