by Jackal Software

Administrators can copy dashboards from any user to any number of users, security groups, or roles. Save time logging in as individual users to set up their dashboards.

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#2499 - Dashboard copy manager not working as expected

Closed Bug? created by pjyoti562 5 years ago

Dashboard Template creation • Created a sample template • Tried to copy the template to the Test Premium account • Did not copy my test template dashboard - it only added one section on the copied dashboard which is group messages

Kindly Help !

  1. shad member avatar

    Jackal Software Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Hello. Sorry to hear you are having trouble deploying. Did you make any changes to the dashboards after setting up the template? If so try reassigning and assigning back the user you are copying from.

    Also if the user you are copying to has any spaces in their user name please try an incognito window. Sometimes the changes do not show although they are copied due to a session issue.

    If these are not the solution would it be possible to gain a login to investigate? My email is

    Thank you very much

  2. pjyoti562 member avatar


    5 years ago

    Hi Jackal

    I tested it but didnt work again. I sent you a email. Please check and let me know.

    Thanks & Regards

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