Brainvire SMS Extension allows you to conveniently communicate with clients via SMS in SuiteCRM. Both incoming SMS and outgoing SMS are supported in this add-on with just a simple configuration. Other APIs outside of Nexmo, Plivo and Twilio can also be configured.
#5599 - No "Mass SMS" option in the menu for not Administrator user
Hi, Administrator can select multiple Contacts, go to 'Bulk Action' -> 'Mass SMS' and send the SMS. Regular user do not see 'Mass SMS" in the bulk actions. User has a security group "Everything' with full access to everything/all modules, including contacts, emails, BV_SMS module. User sees email templates, able to modify and save SMS template, user sees Delete, Edit. Merge, Export, Mass update in the bulk options, but not a 'Send Mass SMS' option. Not sure how we can fix it? Thank you
one month ago
We have fixed the issue. Sent you a mail, please check and respond
Thank you, Brainvire Team
one week ago
Dear Customer,
We have not gotten any response from your end. So assuming that the issue is resolved, we are closing this ticket for now.