Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on SuiteCRM data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions of SuiteCRM.
#3360 - Field Mapping - basic version
I've detected the following issues related with field mapping:
- If a CRM contact has a birthdate, this contact is not syncing. If I remove the birthdate, the contact syncs correctly.
- If I change the email in a CRM contact, this change is not registrer in mailchimp.
- I can´t map the address field.
4 years ago
Happy to help. For the birthdate, can you tell me if you have included the month, day, and year? Additionally, can you tell me the type of merge tag created in Sugar to receive the data? You can see more information on the types of merge tags that should be created here:
In regards to changing an email, can you confirm the record you're changing is on the Target List set to sync to Mailchimp? Additionally, can you tell me the steps you're taking to make the change? For example, are you editing the original email or are you adding a new email and removing the old one prior to saving?
For addresses, instead of adding one field for the entire address, you will have a field for each portion of the address. For example, you'll create a text merge tag for the street address, a text merge tag for the country, etc. Can you tell me if that is how you currently have Mailchimp set up?
Thanks, Heidi
4 years ago
Hello Heidi!
For the birthdate, I created a "date" merge tag and the synchronization works correctly. In the link you sent me, there is a process to eliminate the year in the birthday but It seems that this process is for Sugar not for Suite. The box "Calculated value" is not available in Suite. How should I proceed in Suite to delete the year?
For the email, first I included a contact in the target list of Suite. The contact was synchronized correctly. Then, I edited the original email in the contact but this change wasn´t synchronized in MailChimp.
For addresses, I proceeded according your recommendation.
I looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards!
4 years ago
Hello there,
We haven't heard from you regarding the issue in a few days. Is there anything we can help with?
Let me know how I can help.
Thanks, Heidi Fanatical Labs Support
4 years ago
Thanks for sending this context along.
In Suite, this should be within Workflows. More information can be found here: Additionally, rather than creating a date merge tag, you can create a text merge tag and that should allow the date to sync from Suite to Mailchimp.
We would expect that an update to the email in Suite would result in an update within Mailchimp. Let's look to see if there are any errors. To do this, can you follow the steps below:
- Make an email change within Suite and wait for the scheduler to run. - From within Suite, navigate to the Admin page - Navigate to Health Status, under the SugarChimp section - In the URL, change "=health_status" to "=adminbatches" and press enter - Along the left hand side, click "Show" and see if any errors appear. (Specifically look around the timeframe where you changed an email address.) If they do, download the link and send them along to
We may also need to grab some logs where SugarChimp is in debug mode, but we can start here. If you want to schedule a meeting to walk through this together, feel free to schedule a time below:
Thanks! Heidi
4 years ago
Thanks again Heidi! I'll proceed accordingly your instructions. I'm going to check again an update to the email in Suite.
Another question, how can I vinculate CRM accounts in the synchronizing process?
4 years ago
Hello there,
We haven't heard from you regarding the issue in a few days. Is there anything we can help with?
Let me know how I can help.
Thanks, Heidi Fanatical Labs Support
4 years ago
To confirm, are you looking to sync account-related data for a contact or are you looking to sync emails at the account-level directly? More information on both these options can be found here:
Let me know if you have other questions on this.
Best, Heidi
4 years ago
Thank for your help, that is all.
Best regards,