Display Namerodmontgt
Member SinceAugust 16th, 2018
Last SeenSeptember 16th, 2018
rodmontgt does not have any add-ons for sale.
Support August 22nd, 2018 @ 2:59 pm
Thanks, I have already sent the email, the problem is with Google Chrome, with Opera and Microsoft Edge there is no problem, the screenshots that I sent was with my administrator account
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Support August 22nd, 2018 @ 2:24 pm
Thanks for your reply, I have did the mentioned steps, Analytic Reporting is shown in Role Management, I have give full access to this module to two users, they can access Analytic Reporting, they can open the report but sadly they cannot see the data, I have give permissions by role and by user and repair the roles but the result is the same, any idea?
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Support August 21st, 2018 @ 1:12 pm
Thanks for the follow up, I have made it worked, the problem is resolved, I had to flush the cache in my browser, cloudflare and suitecrm
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Support August 21st, 2018 @ 1:09 pm
Thanks, I worked, It's odd since I can not understand why it must be a many to many relantionship, but the problem is solved.
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Support August 20th, 2018 @ 4:22 pm
Addtional the pre built reports doesn't work, when I try to preview it keeps loading and never show data, ( I can say that with the basic version everything was working perfectly)
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Support August 20th, 2018 @ 3:52 pm
I have Google chrome Version 68.0.3440.106 (Official Build) (64-bit) I have made the steps you said, also I have Cloudflare enabled for the domain, (I have disabled it, and set to development mode) When i tried to upload the basic package(AR_1.7.37_suite_basic) it was sucessfull, but no the same luck with the pro package, i have the following errors error 524 response time later error 502 bad gateway I tried a few times and I noticed that, when I am uploading a file, Google displays the uploading percentange at the bottom of the screen, when I tried to upload the pro package the percentage went from 75% to 0% and began to increase again, then from 83% drop to 0% and began again, so I thought the problem was with my server I have uploaded the zip file through FTP and I was able to installed it throght module loader. Now the problem is that when I try to make a custom report (because I have custom modules) there is no save button
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