Can you email me to solve this, we have new problem, if we click Scorecard module in admin, this message appear:
"SugarOutfitters_API:call(): Unable to validate the license key. Please configure the firewall to allow request to https://store.suitecrm.com/api/v1/key/validate andmake sure that SSL certs are up to date on the server".
We contact our share hosting provider and they said the configuration in cPanel doesnt block anything. Can you direct us what wrong?
So right now, your Scorecard doesnt display at all in every module.
Thx, we found the problem in directory permission, now admin and all user can use that function. The problem now only admin user has color line in Account example, but as a general user, the fiilter appear and already set to display color, but the Account still listing without color. Can you direct us what wrong?