The new GDPR, which enters into force on May 25, 2018, gives data subjects extensive possibilities to exercise control over their personal data. This results in a variety of obligations for data controllers. In order to be able to pursue this in a compliant and controlled manner KINAMU has developed a tool which helps you process and document requests from data subjects which are stored in your CRM System.
Installation Guide
Installation Guide for KINAMU GDPR Module
SuiteCRM 7.x Sugar 6.x
Step 1
Back up your entire CRM system (files and database)
Step 2
Go in the Adminstration Section
In the Admin Section navigate to the module loader. From there, select and upload the zipped module. If the module is successfully uploaded, press the install button. From there follow the instructions.
Step 3
After the installation via module Loader you should have a section in the admin area called "KINAMU Privacy Module Settings" Here you can enter and validate the License
You should select Modules related to Contacts and Leads, which can be removed on deletion
Under Leads and Contacts you can select the fields, which should be overwritten on anonymization.
In the Settings Tabs you can decide if you want to also clear the fields in the Audti table on anonymization and with what values the anonymization process should overwrite the selected fields.
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