The Advanced Audit Log add-on goes beyond standard SuiteCRM auditing, enabling you to audit field values as well as the relationship log or history. This solution delivers more complete information, from field history tracking to relational data changes, plus an option to export the audit log.
Admin Guide
How to set module audit enabled?
SuiteCRM comes prepackaged with certain modules audit enabled, what if you require another module to be audit enabled? You need to extend vardefs to set up module as audit enable for an upgradesafe option. With the Advanced audit log, we have simplified the process, an admin user can now select the module from the multiselect and save. In the background we do the whole process and make your module audit enabled.
Admin > Advanced Audit Log settings You will have list of modules that are audit enabled will be shown in select box. Now if you want to add your module to audit log, You just select that module and press save button.

Note: Incase your saved module is not shown here, that means your newly added module doesn't have any auditable field. You just need to follow the below step to add a field in the auditable list.
Add additional fields in audit log:
To add a field in audit log, You need to change the field definition from the studio. Admin > Studio > Your Module > Fields Click on the field and mark Audit checkbox as checked and save it. Now on wards any field change will be logged in the audit log.