SuiteCRM Asterisk Connector
( From the Labs)SuiteCRM Asterisk Plugin - Best-in-class business solutions that deliver competitive edge and ROI with power and flexibility of SuiteCRM. Our team always aim to meet your budget while delivering a measurable ROI on your CRM investment.
6 years ago
Hi, there!
6 years ago
Can this plugin integrate Asterisk13 into SuiteCRM 7.10.9?
6 years ago
yes it can support SuiteCRM 7.10 and above as we have few clients with same version using it currently.
For premium support services you can reach us on :
6 years ago
Thank you very much for your reply.
6 years ago
hi how can we install this plugin please ?
what do we need ?
6 years ago
For installation support, configuration and any customziation services you can reach us on :
Cost for direct support from fynsis will be additional at hourly rate based on efforts.
6 years ago
Hello, Is it compatible with issabel? Are the calls recorded? where? I have issabel pbx on one server, and suitecrm 7 on another server, can it be integrated with this module?
6 years ago
Greeting of the day.
As per your comment, we understand that you are looking SuiteCRM Asterisk Plugin which can be compatible with Issabel pbx with call record and other features as well.
Yes, it is compatible request you to share your contact details and a specific to reach you on so that we can answer your all questions according to your requirement.
6 years ago
Hi, where is the user documentation for this connector?
4 years ago
Hola Tendrán alguna documentación completa de la integración con Issabel y SuiteCRM? Agradeceré nos puedan compartir.
a year ago
Hola, ¿el conector aún sigue en funcionamiento?