Conferences, meet-ups, etc can be a powerful marketing tool, but it takes more than just showing up to get a full return on investment. By using EventBrite for your events and syncing it to SuiteCRM you can better market to your attendees in a timely manner and get more out of these opportunities.
Highlevel Overview
Eventbrite is an online platform to plan, promote, host and manage events of every kind. When your events are organized with Eventbrite, our SuiteCRM Eventbrite integration brings you an option to synchronize those event and attendee details to SuiteCRM as Custom Events module and Attendees module. With the event details inside SuiteCRM, you can make sure to have better interaction for a good customer relationship.
Get your EventBrite Event's information and attendees into SuiteCRM. Turn your event attendees into sales leads or contacts for post-event marketing. Sync event information directly into your SuiteCRM and eliminate manual data entry.
- Automated Nightly Sync: The integration gives you an option to enroll in a nightly sync of Event and Attendee information to your SuiteCRM.
- Flexible to save Attendees as either Contact or Lead
- No Duplicates: We check for existing leads/contacts by email address before creating a new record
- On Attendes you will have upto date status like, Checked In, Cancelled or Refunded etc.
Sync Over Events
Sync Over Attendees
To learn more about this solution go to the EventBrite Integration or search for "eventbrite".
Suite to Xero
SuiteCRM BI-Directional link to Xero Automated BI-DIRECTIONAL synch between SuiteCRM and Xero, synch most recent record. Accounts, Contacts, Invoice and Products, connect and forget. Synch based on your criteria. This module also gives you the ability to manually update Accounts/Contacts/Invoice...
Audit Meetings
Who reassigned this meeting? When was the status field adjusted? The SuiteCRM Meetings module doesn't allow Auditing the same way as other modules do. Fix that with this quick add-on.
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