Whether you want to discourage users from sharing accounts or have a novel way of knowing if your credentials are being used by someone else, this latest add-on by Dreamer Technologies helps you do just that.
Highlevel Overview
Prevent Concurrent Login adds an additional layer of security by allowing only one person to log in as a user at a time. Prevent multiple users from using the same credentials at the same time. The user previously logged in will be logged out automatically and be prompted with a message.
User Notification of Account User
To learn more about this solution go to Prevent Concurrent Login or search for "login".
Calendly Integration
Never miss scheduling an appointment or seizing a new business opportunity when you connect Calendly with SuiteCRM for real-time calendar syncing. Sync your event invitation into SuiteCRM as a meeting and save your invitee as a contact record, plus many more useful features.
MTS SuiteCRM Comment
MTS SuiteCRM Comment helps you, your team, and even your customers add comments and attachments to any modules within SuiteCRM. With so many creative uses, this add-on works to improve communication and collaboration for your business.
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