Built-in Documentation for SuiteCRM Add-ons
One of the many perks we offer to any add-on that lists on the SuiteCRM Store is an easy to use documentation platform. In fact, we use that same system for our own documentation.
We Automatically Check For Missing Files
A common issue with creating add-ons is forgetting to zip up files that are defined in the manifest. Hey, it happens. But with our scanner we can notify you immediately about any missing files before your users run into the issue.
Random Spotlight
Audit Calls
Who reassigned this call? When was the status field adjusted? The SuiteCRM Calls module doesn't allow Auditing the same way as other modules do. Fix that with this quick add-on.
MTS LineItems
MTS Line Items is a tool to help you link your products and services to the Opportunities module. With it you can easily track both products and services that a customer has bought. It also supports converting an Opportunity to a Quote, Contract, or Invoice for a customer. Works with exporting to PD...
LinkedIn Leads for SuiteCRM
Push the LinkedIn Information as a Lead into SuiteCRM. With the Chrome extension the LinkedIn fields will automatically populate in the Lead form. From there you can push it into your CRM by clicking on Save.
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