by Dreamer Technologies

Twilio Call Logging functionality helps you to register the inbound calls (received from leads,contacts and accounts) and outbound calls (dialed to from Twilio) with call details such as call duration, date and time of calls, status, etc.

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Twilio Call Logging With SuiteCRM addon helps support executives to identify the time spent on each call and keep track of the average time spent in calls on a monthly basis. On the other hand, the Sales and Marketing Executives can keep track of all the calls they make to their prospects. The call details can be further used to generate reports on billing details, average time spent on calls, number of calls per day, etc.
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  • "Can keep track of all the calls they make to their prospects. The call details can be further used to generate reports on billing details, average time spent on calls, number of calls per day, etc."

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