by NS-Team

With the Favorites Dashlet add-on, users can save time and clicks by easily accessing their priority or most-visited records by adding a Favorites dashlet to the SuiteCRM home page.

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Get upfront access to your favorite SuiteCRM accounts, opportunities, etc.

If you are heavily using SuiteCRM Favorites, this new dashlet will allow you to display your favorite data right on your home page, helping save time and multiple clicks to access the right information. You can configure to display all of your favorite records, or only records for selected modules.


How it works

In addition to being able to view or edit the record, the more information button opens a pop-up with additional details:

More information

You have the option to create dashlets for selected modules only:

Configure the dashlet and filter the module:

Configure Dashlet

For example, you can create a "Favorite Accounts" dashlet and a "Favorite Opportunities" dashlet. If you select only one module, you can hide the module field on the top right of the configuration page.

Favorite Accounts

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