by Urdhva Tech

eSign-RightSignature a complete SuiteCRM and RightSignature integration which allows you to send the documents and templates for signature directly from CRM. Send your Contracts, NDAs, Agreements and have them signed by your customers online. Track status of each RightSignature document sent via SuiteCRM

Includes a 30 day guarantee
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This plugin is great!
Works with all relevant modules!

Send and manage signatures really easily inside SuiteCRM

Even better, the developers are great at customising the plugin for your specific needs

For example
We send a document from the Account level for Contacts to be assigned

Urdva Tech customised the plugin to allow us to click send from company, select what Contact was the primary contact and other contacts that need to sign

This is then reflected for the information generated onto the PDF about the Contact

Also this dictates what the Contact is allowed to sign

We can now send 1 document from an Account, dictate & manage 3 Contact signatures all from SuiteCRM!
