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#3239 - Stuck on - The Workflow gets loaded. It may take some seconds...

Closed Installation created by lalitrane 4 years ago


I have just installed this module on my suitecrm instance.

but when i try to create a new workflow it gets stuck on 'Loading workflow container' window. (Attached screnshot)

Is there anything i need to do to get this addon working?

Screen Shot 2020-11-24 at 1.49.56 PM.png


  1. cm_sugar member avatar

    CM & Sugar Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Hello, did you repair two times the application? Have a look, if the cms_workflowconditions table is exisiting and cms_workflowactions.

    What PHP version and SuiteCRM version is used by your application?

    • lalitrane member avatar


      4 years ago


      Yes i did repair it couple of times, still no luck.

      I am using php version PHP 7.1 & suite crm Version 7.10.28.

      and yes, cms_workflowconditions and cms_workflowactions tables do exists in the database.

  2. cm_sugar member avatar

    CM & Sugar Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Can you send me an output of your browser console tab and network tab? Right now there is no detected error at the current module setup.

    Since it is stucked at loading bar, I would assume a front-end error.

  3. lalitrane member avatar


    4 years ago

    Hi there,

    Screenshots below


  4. cm_sugar member avatar

    CM & Sugar Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Looks like, there is a problem at loading the module defs. I will have a deeper look. Is it possible for you to extend the requests at network tab, to se the actual HTTP request and response content. Everything related to "index.php" calls

  5. cm_sugar member avatar

    CM & Sugar Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Can you have a look at the response of the index.php call with throwing that error. Should be enough by using the link at the error message. Is there any further plug-in installed that forces an output at hidden actions?

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