by Verity Infotech

With the SuiteCRM WhatsApp Integration, your team can engage buyers and increase sales revenue with individualized conversations via one-click WhatsApp sending from anywhere in the CRM. Utilize convenient features like: two-way single or bulk messaging, WhatsApp templates, message scheduling and more.

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#3342 - Using other Whatsapp integrators

Open Installation created by Imad_Amir 4 years ago


I would like to setup my own Whatsapp Api integrator, but on the settings i have just twilio or waboxapp and i dont want to use any of thoses !!! Regards

  1. verityinfotech member avatar

    Verity Infotech Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Hello Imad Okay. We can do this. Please provide the API Details and connect us on Skype.

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