by Redian Software

Twilio SMS extension allows you to send SMS (leads, contacts, employees, prospects, users accounts) and receive ( from Twilio) with details such as message, date and time of SMS, status, etc.

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#2188 - The license key does not exist in our system

Closed Bug? created by cm 5 years ago

Hello, message : 'The license key does not exist in our system' when i send message Thanks

  1. rediansoftware member avatar

    Redian Software Provider

    5 years ago

    Thank you for contacting us.

    Can you please let us know that have you entered licence KEY in suite crm twillio settings in the Admin section?

    Please find attached screenshot for your reference.


  2. rediansoftware member avatar

    Redian Software Provider

    5 years ago

    Thank you for contacting us.

    We are trying to connect you on your email, but we are getting mail failure delivery.

    Can you provide us another email where we can send you the new key?

  3. asiashariq member avatar


    4 years ago

    I'm getting the same error. What should I do? I just sign up for the trial and setup everything.

    • rediansoftware member avatar

      Redian Software Provider

      4 years ago

      Please send me your license key to my email ( I will check the issues.

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