The Sidebar Setting Management add-on lets you customize your SuiteCRM sidebar section by showcasing your preferred number of records under the Favorites and Recently Viewed sections. See and easily reference more records right from your sidebar.
#4570 - Issue Installing Package
When I install the package, I am unable to load instance only. I get a total blank page. I am able to see the log, but pages are totally blank.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
2 years ago
Hello sir,
May i know the suitecrm version on which you have installed this addon
2 years ago
Version 7.11.2 Sugar Version 6.5.25
2 years ago
Dear Customer,
Sorry for the late reply.
The addon is working fine on 7.11 and also on the latest version.
Just want to check if you are still facing issues. Do Connect us on Skype for a detail discussion. Our Skype ID is
Thank You!