View email messages directly in the history panel itself or detach the Emails and Notes sub panel and see them in their own separate sub panel.
#4583 - Installed on actual SuiteCRM 8.2.1 (PHP 7.4.x) - Admin > Settings Page not accessible
Error: You are not authorized to view this page. Please contact your system administrator.
After Installation by Module Loader, License could be activated, A settings page is shown and could be managed.
After that step, no effect ist seen, module doesn't show any function, is not working!
The settings page in Admin shows this error: You are not authorized to view this page. Please contact your system administrator.
2 years ago
PS: I've changed the module permission to 775, but without effect
2 years ago
ok I see supported versions 8.1.2 not 8.2.1 - my fault - Any Chance to fix this asap - Don't want to downgrade?
2 years ago
Installed on SuiteCRM 7.12 ESR - Module shows settings-site but is not working in E-Mail-Frontend
2 years ago
ScuiteCRM 7.12 - If e.g. in settings "Subpanel E-Mail Separated" for "Contacts" is "Yes" than the following error is shown under "Contacts"-View: "LayoutManager: Class not found:SugarWidgetSubPanelOEPLLinkEmailCustom"
2 years ago
Sorry, I was away last 2 days so could not respond you. Is it possible to connect on Skype? So I can quick check and help you. Let me know your update. I am available tomorrow any time. Thanks Dipesh
2 years ago
Out current version of plugin is not supported Suite 8.* for now. We are working on it to make it compatible.