PDF Creator for SuiteCRM is a powerful add-on for generating business PDFs, capturing electronic signatures, and automating related processes. Quickly create proposals, contracts, cases, quotes, invoices and other necessary docs while working in your CRM.
#5358 - After install
Dear Variance Infotech
I am evaluating the quality of this plugin currently
My environment is : Suitecrm 7.14.3 Hosted in : PHP 8.0, Database : 10.6.16-MariaDB
I have tried following the installation guide as shown in : https://store.suitecrm.com/docs/pdfcreator/installation-guide-suitecrm-7-x The plugin version used was : VIPdfCreator-1.0-SuiteCRM-Version7.12.zip After Step 5 , it **stucked **at blank page of index.php?module=VIPdfCreatorLicenseAddon&action=license
The question is : Would you happen to have a plugin version that will work for this 7.14.3 version of Suitecrm? Could you please help, so that this evaluation can run smoothly?
9 months ago
Apologies for the problem you're facing.
Currently our add-on support for MYSQL & MSSQL and You're using MariaDB.
We'll check for MariaDB and Update you.
Variance Infotech PVT LTD
9 months ago
Hi , Variance Developers, Any update, please. Please let us know/announce this compatibility, to help customers who are using the same environment.
It will be costly if we need to move hosting provider first before using a plugin that couldn't use the Database. We are using a Hosting Provider which is compatible with SuiteCRM 7.14 or Suitecrm 8. Modern hosting Providers (sudh as Hostinger) nowadays move away from MySQL, to MariaDB.