by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

PDF Creator for SuiteCRM is a powerful add-on for generating business PDFs, capturing electronic signatures, and automating related processes. Quickly create proposals, contracts, cases, quotes, invoices and other necessary docs while working in your CRM.

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#5358 - After install

In Progress Installation created by 9 months ago

Dear Variance Infotech

I am evaluating the quality of this plugin currently

My environment is : Suitecrm 7.14.3 Hosted in : PHP 8.0, Database : 10.6.16-MariaDB

I have tried following the installation guide as shown in : The plugin version used was : After Step 5 , it **stucked **at blank page of index.php?module=VIPdfCreatorLicenseAddon&action=license

The question is : Would you happen to have a plugin version that will work for this 7.14.3 version of Suitecrm? Could you please help, so that this evaluation can run smoothly?


  1. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    9 months ago


    Apologies for the problem you're facing.

    Currently our add-on support for MYSQL & MSSQL and You're using MariaDB.

    We'll check for MariaDB and Update you.

    Variance Infotech PVT LTD

  2. coosithub member avatar

    9 months ago

    Hi , Variance Developers, Any update, please. Please let us know/announce this compatibility, to help customers who are using the same environment.

    It will be costly if we need to move hosting provider first before using a plugin that couldn't use the Database. We are using a Hosting Provider which is compatible with SuiteCRM 7.14 or Suitecrm 8. Modern hosting Providers (sudh as Hostinger) nowadays move away from MySQL, to MariaDB.


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