by Urdhva Tech

Line Items in your Opportunity are used to record the products and/or services that your prospective customer may be interested in buying. You can add as many more as needed and you can modify the values and quantities as you learn more about the Opportunity.

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#3616 - custom fields values when creating a contract

Closed General Question created by lior1 Verified Purchase 3 years ago

Is there a way to add opportunity custom fields copied to contact custom fields?

  1. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago

    Hello, Thank you for using our add-on.
    You need to edit one file(modules\ut_Opplineitem\createContract.php) and add value as shown example. It will carry forward your Opportunity field to Contract field. Example: $contract->end_date = $oOpportunity->date_closed;

    Let me know how it goes.

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

    • lior1 member avatar

      lior1 Verified Purchase

      3 years ago

      thanks for the promt reply, whay about future upgrades? is it upgrade safe?

    • urdhvatech member avatar

      Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

      3 years ago

      This file is from our add-on. So you need to put back your changes when you install our new version. It won't affect the SuiteCRM upgrade.

      Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

    • lior1 member avatar

      lior1 Verified Purchase

      3 years ago

      Thanks, I meant add-on upgrade safe, I understand it's not:)

    • urdhvatech member avatar

      Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

      3 years ago

      Yes, it will need to re-enter your custom code.

      Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

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