by Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub)

MTS SubPanel Search makes it easy to QUICK SEARCH ANY INFORMATION IN A SUBPANEL. Because you can filter searches right from any subpanel you can drill down to the exact record you need in little time. This gets you back to focusing on the real business value task on hand.

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#4079 - Tasks searching is not working

Closed Bug? created by GBlack 3 years ago

Hi I am getting error in tasks searching.

ERROR: Query Failed: ( SELECT count(*) c FROM tasks LEFT JOIN tasks_cstm ON = tasks_cstm.id_c INNER JOIN ssi_vessels_tasks_1_c ON AND ssi_vessels_tasks_1_c.ssi_vessels_tasks_1ssi_vessels_ida='2dd4dd60-6d11-99bf-fbc5-5f7736b86d85' AND ssi_vessels_tasks_1_c.deleted=0

where ( tasks_cstm.service_status_c NOT IN ('Complete') AND IN (SELECT FROM tasks LEFT JOIN tasks_cstm ON = tasks_cstm.id_c LEFT JOIN ssi_vessels_tasks_1_c jtl0 ON AND jtl0.deleted=0

LEFT JOIN ssi_vessels jt0 ON AND jt0.deleted=0 AND jt0.deleted=0 LEFT JOIN ssi_vendors_tasks_1_c jtl1 ON AND jtl1.deleted=0

LEFT JOIN ssi_vendors jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0 AND jt1.deleted=0 LEFT JOIN users jt2 ON AND jt2.deleted=0

AND jt2.deleted=0 where ((( like 'salt%' ) OR ( like '%salt%' ) OR ( like '%salt' ) OR ( ( contacts.first_name like 'salt%' OR contacts.last_name like 'salt%' ) ) OR ( ( contacts.first_name like '%salt%' OR contacts.last_name like '%salt%' ) ) OR ( ( contacts.first_name like '%salt' OR contacts.last_name like '%salt' ) ) OR ( tasks.date_entered LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.date_entered LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.date_modified LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.date_modified LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.modified_user_id LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.modified_user_id LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.created_by LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.created_by LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.description LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.description LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.assigned_user_id LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.assigned_user_id LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.status LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.status LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.date_due LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.date_due LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.date_start LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.date_start LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.parent_type LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.parent_type LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.priority LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.priority LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.rt_list_id LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.rt_list_id LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.calendar_id_c LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.calendar_id_c LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.rt_gtask_id LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.rt_gtask_id LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.rt_gtask_parentid LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.rt_gtask_parentid LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.rt_list_name LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.rt_list_name LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.rt_gevent_id LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.rt_gevent_id LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks.rt_calendar_type LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks.rt_calendar_type LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.billing_c LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.billing_c LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.service_status_c LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.service_status_c LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.owners_comments_c LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.owners_comments_c LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.service_notes_c LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.service_notes_c LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.service_type_c LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.service_type_c LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.type_c LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.type_c LIKE '%salt' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.service_id_number_c LIKE 'salt%' ) OR ( tasks_cstm.service_id_number_c LIKE '%salt'))) AND tasks.deleted=0 ) ) AND tasks.deleted=0 ): MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'contacts.first_name' in 'where clause'

  1. nhat.thieu member avatar

    Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago


    Can you give use your SuiteCRM version?

    Thanks, SuiteCRM Addon Team

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