by Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub)

MTS Line Items is a tool to help you link your products and services to the Opportunities module. With it you can easily track both products and services that a customer has bought. It also supports converting an Opportunity to a Quote, Contract, or Invoice for a customer. Works with exporting to PDF, sending an Opportunity as a PDF, etc.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#4398 "print s Pdf" not working from Opportunities - Hello, "Print as PDF" option from opportunity module just present an empty screen. Not working. Open Bug?
#3888 Custome field - I am converting an opportunity to a quote and would like to copy some other fields from opportunity stevethefaine Closed General Question
#3073 order # 11270 for MTS LineItems doesn't work - I have install your product MTS LineItems and did all configuration needed but it's doesn't work I kobi.s Closed Bug?