by Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub)

MTS Line Items is a tool to help you link your products and services to the Opportunities module. With it you can easily track both products and services that a customer has bought. It also supports converting an Opportunity to a Quote, Contract, or Invoice for a customer. Works with exporting to PDF, sending an Opportunity as a PDF, etc.

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#3888 - Custome field

Closed General Question created by stevethefaine Verified Purchase 2 years ago

I am converting an opportunity to a quote and would like to copy some other fields from opportunity to the quote. Is there a file I can edit to add the fields I want mapped?

  1. nhat.thieu member avatar

    Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

    2 years ago

    Hello Steve, This add-on does not support that however we can add it the next version.

    Thanks, SuiteCRM Addon Team

    • stevethefaine member avatar

      stevethefaine Verified Purchase

      2 years ago

      Thank You for your response. I just got your code generator today and wanted this addon as well. The is another addon opportunity line item that can do what I want but was trying to stay with the same vendor for my modules. Any timeframe for next version? Thanks

    • nhat.thieu member avatar

      Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

      2 years ago

      Thank you. We will release the next version in the next Monday or earlier. I will let you know once it's ready.

    • stevethefaine member avatar

      stevethefaine Verified Purchase

      2 years ago

      Awesome. Thank You

    • nhat.thieu member avatar

      Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

      2 years ago

      Hello Steve,

      We have already released v1.1.0 to support the mapping field feature. Please try to upgrade v1.1.0 and verify in your end. You can reference how to config in Release Notes page

      Please let me know if you facing any issue while verify it.

      Thanks, SuiteCRM Addon Team

  2. stevethefaine member avatar

    stevethefaine Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    This is exactly what I needed. Thank You so much.

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