by Redian Software

Mailchimp Extension allows you to sync the mailchimp details with SuiteCRM and SuiteCRM details to mailchimp

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#3143 - Synced contacts showing as duplicates

Closed Bug? created by sebanowa 4 years ago

Dear sirs / madams, we can successfully sync contacts and lists between SuiteCRM and MailChimp. Only contacts are showing as duplicates, though we have indicated the respective fields to map in Field Mapping. How can we prevent the sync process to result in duplicate records? Please advise. Kind regards, Sebastian

  1. rediansoftware member avatar

    Redian Software Provider

    4 years ago

    Hi, We have checked your concern and found if you have already created records with email and then you are pulling records from MailChimp it will consider as a duplicate record there is no such way to prevent it. It is only updated those records that pulled from MailChimp. So If you want to do some changes as per your requirement then you have to discuss it by mail ( and

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