by Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd

In today's world Google is the most preferred quick-login option to many apps/platforms. This plugin allows a SuiteCRM user to directly login with their Google ID which removes the need to remember yet another username and password. Simply click on Login with Google. The user must exist in SuiteCRM with the google email address.

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#4582 - Validation of key doesnt Work

Closed Bug? created by 2 years ago

Failed: SugarOutfitters_API::call(): Unable to validate the license key. Please configure the firewall to allow requests to and make sure that SSL certs are up to date on the server.

  1. BrainvireInfotech member avatar

    Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Provider Affiliate

    2 years ago

    Dear Customer,

    Issue is on firewall side which needs to be changed from your end.

    Thank You. Team Brainvire

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