Electronic signatures provide a binding way to authenticate a document. It can also be quite the process to attach an encoded signature to an electronic document. We have simplified this in SuiteCRM with an easy-to-use electronic signature capture and embed tool. No need for any external signing software.
#2154 - Information and tests
Hello, We will have to buy and install your module for a final use on a main url. At the moment we are working for the final implementation on a preprod url which is for example www.crm.com/preprod. The final URL will be, for example, www.crm.com. We will first install it on the url www.crm.com/preprod I think we should not buy 2 licenses since the main url remains the same Can you confirm, thanks. Can we test before purchase? best regards
5 years ago
Yes you can.
Let me know if you need any help on installations. we are happy to help you on that.
Regards, Brainvire Team