by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

SuiteCRM Data Export Tools allows you to export records from any CRM module to any FTP location or post records to any URL using HTTP Post.

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#4791 - Connector Setup: SFTP Folder Syntax

Closed Installation created by CA Consulting a year ago

We have purchased and successfully installed the Data Export Tools add-on with SuiteCRM 8.2.1. We have used SFTP file drop sites for other applications and are familiar with host, port, and UserName and PW authentication fields. For our initial connector, we are using the precise host, port and authentication information that is working in another SFTP application for the same folder so there is no reason why the credentials should not work.

When we try to setup the connector to the same SFTP folder we are using in the other application, the screen simply shows a message stating "Loading, please wait." with a swirling icon. No matter what we try in the "path" entry field, the program hangs and will not complete the connection.

It appears that our syntax for the path to the folder may be incorrect. The note below the path field in the entry screen provides the following as the syntax for the folder: "/var/www/html/Folder Name"

However, the syntax for our folder, since we are using Plesk, is: /var/www/vhosts/ [domain] / [folder name] with the domain in the format: followed by the folder name.

We have also tried multiple iterations of this, with using just the folder name, just a "/", a "/" with the folder name, etc. None of the iterations we could come up with were successful.

Could you provide more complete details on the syntax required for the path entry, and whether there is any reason the path we are trying to enter would not work? We need guidance as to what will work and what won't.

Finally, could you provide details on what the "status" toggle does?: Is it necessary? What benefits with having it ON vs. OFF. We have tried that as well for multiple iterations.

Please advise ASAP. We are stuck at this point. Thank you.

  1. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    a year ago


    Apologies for the problem you're facing.

    is it possible for you to share SFTP Details which you're using?

    If yes then please share with us on "" so we can review it from our end in our timezone and you will get quick solution.

    Also Status field is used to enable the connector. If Status is enable then only it'll connect the connector & post the data.

    Variance Infotech PVT LTD

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