by Urdhva Tech

Collaborate more efficiently with employees within and across teams to get things done on time. The SuiteCRM Collaboration add-on is a one-stop solution for sales opportunities, projects, support and other collective teamwork needs. It’s designed to support your custom modules as well.

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#4513 - What Data should be desplay in "My collaboration" Dashlets?

Closed Feature created by Aviv.c 2 years ago

Hi Our users want to be able to see all the collaboration notification history - once the user clicks on the notification at the top of the page the notification is deleted. I see that we have the My collaboration Dashlet but no data display in it. Can you please tell me what this Dashlet is supposed to do? Attached is a screenshot. Thanks, Aviv

  1. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    2 years ago

    The Dashlet comes with the default module of SuiteCRM. It is of no use for this collaboration solution. The notification features work like SuiteCRM default notification, Once it is marked as Read. It doesn't appear. However, If you want to see the history of the collaboration's notification. We can customize it for you.

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

    • Aviv.c member avatar


      2 years ago

      Thanks! yes we need a way to see the collaboration history - if it is possible to do it in the "My collaboration" it will be great. If not please let me know how we can do it.

    • urdhvatech member avatar

      Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

      2 years ago

      It will be a customization. I would insist you to come over the Skype to take this further.

      Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

    • Aviv.c member avatar


      2 years ago

      That will be good. can we do in via Zoom?

    • urdhvatech member avatar

      Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

      2 years ago

      Sure, I will send you zoom invite via email.

      Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

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