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#5139 - unnormal connection close code:1006, reason:

Open Bug? created by Jack Liu Verified Purchase a year ago

Hello, All-In-One_CTI_AvayaService returns such an error suddenly. Tried to restart the service, it's not helping.

All-In-One_CTI_AvayaService version SuiteCRM version 7.11.15

Anyone could help here?

  1. soonfungwang member avatar

    Jack Liu Verified Purchase

    a year ago

    Update: the error code changed to 1015

  2. soonfungwang member avatar

    Jack Liu Verified Purchase

    a year ago

    Actually, the issue was caused by expired SSL

  3. Vedisoft member avatar

    Vedisoft Provider

    one month ago

    Hi Jack. Do you have any troubles right now with Avaya plugin?

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