Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on SuiteCRM data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions of SuiteCRM.
#4797 - Unsubscribers in MailChimp aren't aligned with those in SuiteCRM
Hi, a customer of ours has SuiteCRM 7.10.27 and SugarChimp 9.3.3a he has found lots of Contacts that are marked as unsubscribed in SuiteCRM while marked as Subscribed in MailChimp. What have we to check please?
a year ago
Happy to help. We would expect that when a record is marked as opted out in Suite that would sync to Mailchimp and mark them as unsubscribed. Can you tell me if other changes (such as someone changing a contact's name) is syncing to Mailchimp as expected or does it seem like just unsubscribes aren't syncing?
Can you also send along a screenshot of the Health Status page (from the top to the bottom of the lists that are syncing)? You can access this by navigating to the Admin page and clicking on Health Status under the SugarChimp section. Additionally, can you send a copy of your CRM logs as well? For privacy purposes, you can email both of those to Steps for the logs are below:
Thanks, Heidi