Display Namejm2
Member SinceDecember 12th, 2019
Last SeenSeptember 12th, 2023
jm2 does not have any add-ons for sale.
Support January 30th, 2020 @ 4:45 pm
Ok I figured out the .htaccess was not allowing calls to the rest API. Now I have another issue. user_auth (that stores the password that this uses to log in to the api) is blank for all the users until I change their passwords. So no user can log in with google until I reset their passwords. Is there a way to generate these all very quickly?
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Support January 29th, 2020 @ 8:16 pm
Are there additional configuration steps for users using GSuite? I believe this may have to do with API scopes enabled on the domain. I have full control over the domain, google console and server so I should be able to configure anything that's needed. Would you be able to contact me directly to help?
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Support December 12th, 2019 @ 7:45 pm
I've managed to fix this. I've included my solution.
custom/themes/tab_panel/tab_panel_content_edit.tpl compared to themes/SuiteP/include/EditView/tab_panel_content.tpl
Missing {minify} encapsulating the block that generates the required asterisk, therefore it was leaving an extra line break.
Line 205 custom/themes/tab_panel/tab_panel_content_edit.tpl add {minify} Line 233 add {/minify} before
View Comment{*label*} {minify} {{if isset($colData.field.customLabel)}} <label for="{{$fields[$colData.field.name].name}}">{{$colData.field.customLabel}}</label> {{elseif isset($colData.field.label)}} {capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label='{{$colData.field.label}}' module='{{$module}}'}{/capture} {$label|strip_semicolon}: {{elseif isset($fields[$colData.field.name])}} {capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label='{{$fields[$colData.field.name].vname}}' module='{{$module}}'}{/capture} {$label|strip_semicolon}: {{else}} {{/if}} {* Show the required symbol if field is required, but override not set. Or show if override is set *} {{if ($fields[$colData.field.name].required && (!isset($colData.field.displayParams.required) || $colData.field.displayParams.required)) || (isset($colData.field.displayParams.required) && $colData.field.displayParams.required)}} <span class="required test">{{$APP.LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL}}</span> {{/if}} {{if isset($colData.field.popupHelp) || isset($fields[$colData.field.name]) && isset($fields[$colData.field.name].popupHelp) }} {{if isset($colData.field.popupHelp)}} {{capture name="popupText" assign="popupText"}} {sugar_translate label="{$colData.field.popupHelp}" module='{{$module}}'} {{/capture}} {{elseif isset($fields[$colData.field.name].popupHelp)}} {capture name="popupText" assign="popupText"} {sugar_translate label="{{$fields[$colData.field.name].popupHelp}}" module='{{$module}}'} {/capture} {{/if}} {sugar_help text=$popupText WIDTH=-1} {{/if}} {/minify} </div>
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