The Custom Filter add-on for SuiteCRM allows you to filter and search for desired records from the total list of records, plus save and display the Custom Filter search separately in the module. Create complex filters to find specific records to assign to different sales reps and much more.
Installation Guide
Steps For Installing Custom Filter Plugin :
Notes: Before installing Custom Filter Plugin, please take your SuiteCRM and Database backup first.
Step 1:
To open the Administration Page, Click on the Admin tab as shown in below screenshot.
Step 2:
To install the Custom Filter plugin, Click on Module Loader from the Developer Tools section.
Step 3:
In the Module Loader Page → Click on the Browse Button to select zip file → Click on UPLOAD Button to upload the Custom Filter Plugin(zip file).
Step 4:
In Module Loader page → Click on the INSTALL Button to install the Custom Filter Plugin.
Step 5:
To accept the Terms and Conditions, click on Accept Radio Button → Click on COMMIT Button.
Step 6:
After Successful Installation → it redirects you to validate License Key → enter valid License Key and click on VALIDATE Button → If key is valid then it will show CONTINUE Button → click CONTINUE Button.
Step 7:
Open Administration page, Click on Repair from the System Section → Click on Quick Repair & Rebuild.
Step 8:
After Installation you are able to see Link “Custom Filter” on Administration page as shown in the below screenshot.