If you are doing any sort of email marketing (and you probably should be) then this new add-on should be of interest. It helps to keep your email lists clean by verifying addresses. This then helps to keep your overall spam scores low resulting in better email deliverability.
Highlevel Overview
In the business environment, email plays a significant role to store different imperative details in a much safer way. More than 30 percent of email address each year in the company’s customer and contact database becomes outdated. One of the major roles of the company is to secure themselves from added spam lists and ensure email address deliverability.
See It In Action
To learn more about this solution go to SuiteCRM Email Verification Plugin or search for "Email Verification".
SweetExport For SuiteCRM. SweetExport include only those fields into export file which are displayed on the ListView.
ProtonicTech Email Scheduler
ProtonicTech Email Scheduler add-on for SuiteCRM provides users a way to send scheduled emails with ease. Email Scheduler sends emails straight into the email queue directly from any standard SuiteCRM email composer.
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