by Jackal Software

Organization Chart for SuiteCRM allows users to view the structure of their organization and of their customers in a beautiful chart.

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Jackal Software Organization Chart for SuiteCRM has two main functions: 1. Help Admin Users manage the organization in a helpful chart view 2. Provides a wholistic view of the companies you do business with so Users can see the structure of Accounts, Sub-Accounts, and Contacts.

Sales and Support

One of the most helpful uses of a CRM is to allow sales and support users identify the structure of an organization. This includes the parent Account, any regional or sub-accounts under that parent, and Contacts associated with those Accounts.

Unfortunately for complex structures a user would have to click between many Accounts and Contacts to get all the information they need.

Organization Chart for SuiteCRM allows users to get a full picture of an organization with a single click. The focus record is shown in red and each node has a direct link to open that record in a new tab.

OrgChart Link

Account Sample Structure

From any Account record the chart will show all parent and child Accounts no matter how deep the structure of the organization. Additionally, for each Account the related Contacts are displayed along with the most important contact information. Parent and Child relationships are defined by the stock Account hierarchy in SuiteCRM.

For Contact records the relationship is defined by the Reports-To field as the parent and the Direct Reports subpanel for child records. The focus record is shown in red and each node has a direct link to open that record in a new tab.

Contact Detail View

Contact Org Chart

Admin Users

A list view is not an efficient method for admins to manage the users in their organization. Additionally, regular users do not have a view to see other users contact information and see where they are in the company.

For many workflows in SuiteCRM having the correct reports to user is vital for escalation of Tasks or notification purposes. With Organization Chart for SuiteCRM it is easy to identify which users either do not reporting to anybody or are in the wrong team.

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Basic user fields (name, title, work phone, and email) are viewable right from the main view but additional user details are viewable and editable by admin users.

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Double click on a profile to zoom in

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Easily search by name, title, phone number or email

Check out the User Guide to learn more about how to use Organization Chart for SuiteCRM.

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