White Label Login Page

( From the Labs)

by Smackcoders

Personalize your SuiteCRM Login Page in your own way that suits your business.

#2373 - Deinstallation

Open Installation created by taylordave85 5 years ago

Hi ,

I installed this product on Suitecrm 7.11.8 --> after installation, my login page was missing. Found out, the module installation was missing the creation of the database entrys. Added them and now the login page is working.

Now i wanted to ininstall or at minimum deactivate the module, but the module manager is missing the module and therefore i cant deactivate/deinstall it.

Please advice to manually deactivate/uninstall it. How to set back the login page to original theme. I looked out for the .tpls and index files, but couldn't get behind the process how your add-on integrates into the login page to reverse the change.

Regards for your help,


  1. Smackcoders member avatar

    Smackcoders Provider

    5 years ago

    Hi Taylor,

    Thank you for using the White Label Login Page module.

    Can you share with us your SuiteCRM version?

    Regards, Keith

  2. taylordave85 member avatar


    5 years ago

    I allready wrote my suitecrm version

  3. Smackcoders member avatar

    Smackcoders Provider

    5 years ago

    We tested the same and couldn't replicate. Can you write to us at support[at]smackcoders[dot]com? we will help you.

    Regards, Keith

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