by Urdhva Tech

Line Items in your Opportunity are used to record the products and/or services that your prospective customer may be interested in buying. You can add as many more as needed and you can modify the values and quantities as you learn more about the Opportunity.

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#2206 - Additional Fields

Closed General Question created by stevel Verified Purchase 5 years ago

Hi there,

We've recently purchased and installed "Opportunity Line Item". We're just wondering how you go about adding additional fields to both the Edit View and Detail View sections?

Any guidance appreciated as you don't appear to be able to do this via the Studio?

  1. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago


    Thank you for contacting us. Yes, By default you cannot add additional fields in line item weather it is Opportunity Line Item, Or Quote Line Item or Invoice Line item. For that it needs to be customized.

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

  2. ghansen member avatar

    ghansen Verified Purchase

    5 years ago

    Loaded Opportunity Line item with no issues,

    After installation I completed a quick repair then went to the opportunities module to test.

    Noticed a few things.

    In edit view the line items are all labeled "undefined". I went ahead a updated permissions for all folders and files on our server.

    Went back and and still have the same issue with labels still undefined for line items in the opportunity module, double checked permissions and they all correct.

    Another observation

    When you convert an opportunity to a quote and then hit cancel before saving, it still creates a new quote.

    Thank you.

    • urdhvatech member avatar

      Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago

      Hello, Thank you for using our add-on. For the "undefined" it may be some cashing issue of js language file. I can help you to fix this. Can you please come up over the Skype? Over Skype id is urdhvatech

      Regarding the convert an opportunity issue. To carry forward the details of opportunities to the quotes module we need to save it somehow, similar way the SuiteCRM works during the convert to invoice from the Quote's detailview.

      Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech.

  3. ghansen member avatar

    ghansen Verified Purchase

    5 years ago

    Please send me an email so that we can schedule a time to connect and I can share my screen.

    Thank you.

    • urdhvatech member avatar

      Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago

      Here is our email address: and Skype id is urdhvatech

      Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech.

    • urdhvatech member avatar

      Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago

      Issue is fixed now. It was an issue of the permission of cache folder.

      Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

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