by Boru Apps

If you use SuiteCRM and want all of your company emails to automatically show up under the appropriate CRM contact/account, you have found the right product. Boru Email Linker enables you to use your preferred email platform while conveniently linking emails with your SuiteCRM platform.

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#5239 - Any plans to support - 7.13..3

Open General Question created by dwaynecasey a year ago

Just a questions. Module looks useful. Any plans to support - 7.13..3

  1. pobrien member avatar

    Boru Apps Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    Hello Dwayne. Thanks for your question. We presently don't support 7.13.3 for the Email Linker. Since you asked though, we are researching it and we will decide in about a week if we add support for this (and other) versions.

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