
Markdown InputRendered Display

# Level 1 Header (H1)
## Level 2 Header (H2)
### Level 3 Header (H3)
#### Level 4 Header (H4)
##### Level 5 Header (H5)

Level 1 Header (H1)

Level 2 Header (H2)

Level 3 Header (H3)

Level 4 Header (H4)

Level 5 Header (H5)


Markdown InputRendered Display
Unordered lists

Asterisks, plus signs or dashes:

* Red
* Green
* Blue  

sample text

+ Red
+ Green
+ Blue

sample text

- Red
- Green
- Blue
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue

sample text

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue

sample text

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
Ordered lists

1. Bird
2. McHale
3. Parish

sample text

  1. Bird
  2. McHale
  3. Parish
Definition lists

: Definition
Multiple definitions

: Definition 1
: Definition 2
Multiple terms

Term 1
Term 2
: Definition
Definition 1
Definition 2
Term 1
Term 2
Lists require a new line after the last list item


Markdown InputRendered Display
Italic (em tag)

I am *emphasized*

I am _emphasized_

I am emphasized

I am emphasized

Bold (strong tag)

I am **bold**

I am __bold__

I am bold

I am bold


Markdown InputRendered Display
Inline Method

This is [an example](http://example.com/ "Optional Title") inline link.

This is an example inline link.

Automatic Links

< http://example.com/>
< address@example.com>
Note: Wrap links with < and > with no empty spaces.


Internal page anchors

Link From: [How do you...?](#faq1)
Link To: < a id="faq1">< /a>How do you...?
Note: Wrap links with < and > with no empty spaces.

How do you...?
How do you...?


Markdown InputRendered Display

| First Header  | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Row1 Cell1    | Row1 Cell2    |
| Row2 Cell1    | Row2 Cell2    |
First Header Second Header
Row1 Cell1 Row1 Cell2
Row2 Cell1 Row2 Cell2

Code Blocks

Markdown InputRendered Display

echo "Hello World";

echo "Hello World";


Markdown InputRendered Display

![Hey You](https://store.suitecrm.com/img/we_want_you.png)
![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")

Hey You

Regular HTML tag: (Note: add class="shadow" for the shadow effect")

< img alt="Hey You" src="https://store.suitecrm.com/assets/img/we_want_you.png" class="shadow">
Note: Remove space between "<" and "img" </td>

Hey You


Simply embed the HTML required to render the desired video. If the video has an HTTPS option (such as YouTube's) choose that option when generating the embed code.

To make the video dimensions responsive wrap the embed code with a div that has a class of video-container. Then it will show nicely on any device.

< div class="center video-container">....< /div>

(remove space before div)

Literal Characters

The following characters sometimes have special meanings in Markdown. You can make sure Markdown doesn't interpret these characters by placing a backslash in front of them.

Markdown InputRendered Display


