Express Subtheme was developed based on the core SuiteCRM SuiteP theme. The theme has a modern design and color scheme, plus is very easy to integrate and use.
Installation Guide
Installing the Add-on
Upload the Package on Module Loader:
Administration →Development Tools (Module Loader) → Press the button “Select file” to choose the necessary file with Express Subtheme:
When the file is selected then it should be uploaded and installed:
Then enter the license key:
The final step of installation is system repairing:
To select the Express Subtheme it’s necessary to choose the user and then change standard theme to installed Express Subtheme.
Administration →Users (User Management) :
Select the user where Express Subtheme should be switched on(for this select the user and press the button “Edit”):
Select the window “Layout Option”:
In the field “Style” select “Express” to choose uploaded package:
Press the button “Save”:
New Express Subtheme will appear!
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